(423) 600-9745
Luthiers Since 2011
Repair and Restoration
Chattanooga Fine Violins is proud to offer our repair and restoration services to the Chattanooga area string instrument community.
As a luthier owned and operated business, violin repair and restoration is the heart of what we do. With traditional training in the art and over a dozen years of experience your antique or modern instrument is in good hands.
We must evaluate all repairs in hand before a quote can be made, but here is a list of common jobs at standard prices. In the price list below, standard job prices are derived from the bench rate, so any standard job with a set price is the price you pay (plus tax). You do NOT have to pay the standard rate plus the bench rate. The bench rate only applies to complicated repairs that are time dependent, i.e. varnish touch-up, structural repair, etc.
For example: a violin bow rehair is $80.00. You would pay $87.40 at checkout ($80.00 + 9.25% sales tax).
Many factors can complicate repair pricing, please bring us your instrument for a free quote.
Standard Repair Prices:
Violin / Viola
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Restring: $20 or Free with the purchase of strings
New Soundpost: $80
New Bridge: $100
Student Bridge: $75
Reglue Open Seams: $30-$40 per bout
Top-on Crack Repair: Bench Rate
Top-off and Reglue: $300
Tonal Adjustment: Bench Rate
New Peg (each): $25 plus cost of peg blank
New Nut or Saddle: $100
Plane and Dress Fingerboard: $85
Retouch Varnish: Bench Rate
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Restring: $25 or Free with the purchase of strings
New Soundpost: $100
New Bridge: $200
Student Bridge: $140
Reglue Seams: $55 per Bout
Top-on Crack Repair: Bench Rate
Top-off and Reglue: $500
Tonal Adjustment: Bench Rate
New Peg (each): $35 plus cost of peg blank
New Nut or Saddle: $150
Plane and Dress Fingerboard: $175
Retouch Varnish: Bench Rate
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Bench Fee: $60
Restring: $60 or Free with the purchase of strings
New Soundpost: $150
New Bridge: $300 or $350 with Adjusters
Student Bridge: $250
Reglue Seams: $100 per Bout
Top-on Crack Repair: Bench Rate
Top-off and Reglue: $1000
Tonal Adjustment: Bench Rate
New Nut or Saddle: $200
Plane and Dress Fingerboard: $250
Retouch Varnish: Bench Rate
Violin / Viola
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Bow Rehair: $80
New Tip Plate: $165
Replace Leather Grip: $80
Whalebone Lapping: $60
Silver Lapping: $110
Head Spline: Bench Rate
Straighten or Camber: Bench Rate
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Bow Rehair: $90
New Tip Plate: $190
Replace Leather Grip: $80
Whalebone Lapping: $60
Silver Lapping: $130
Head Spline: Bench Rate
Straighten or Camber: Bench Rate
Bench Rate: $100 / Hour
Bow Rehair, White or Black Hair: $120
Salt + Pepper: +$10
New Tip Plate: $225
Replace Leather Grip: $90
Whalebone Lapping: $75
Silver Lapping: $160
Head Spline: Bench Rate
Straighten or Camber: Bench Rate